Please join us as we celebrate the Minnesota infused film Bitterroot during a weekend of special events centering the film and its makers:

Filmmaker panel at In progress

Saturday November 30th 2PM / Studio 213 - Saint Paul

Join us for an opportunity to meet and ask questions of some of the artists behind the extraordinary feature film Bitterroot. In Progress will be hosting a panel where filmmakers will discuss their experiences working on a film that features Hmong acting leads, a Minnesota Hmong crew, and a Montana Hmong community. The event is free but please let us know you will be joining us.

SCREENING Of bitterroot

SUNDAY december 1st 2PM / university of saint thomas theater - saint paul

Join us as we celebrate the Minnesota premiere of Bitterroot at the University of Saint Paul Theater.   Bitterroot tells the story tells the story of a middle aged man reeling from a failed marriage and in need of comfort and a new perspective, as he takes care of his aging mother within the deceptively tranquil landscape of rural Montana.  The film features Minnesota actor Wa Yang as well as many behind the scenes Minnesota Hmong filmmakers that traveled to Montana to support its production.  In Progress is so proud of these filmmakers most of which have close ties to In Progress.  So get out your pocket book and buy your ticket at the link below:


Sunday December 1st 5PM / Studio 213 - Saint Paul

We will be celebrating Bitterroot with the film crew at our Saint Paul studio directly following the screening. Join us for a light meal and casual conversation where you can engage with the crew and help us all celebrate their accomplishments. Everyone is welcome to join in but please RSVP to let us know you will be able to attend.

For more information about Bitterroot please send an email to: