gathering data and observations to improve In Progress
We categorize this constituency as: newly developing artists; populations that have limited opportunities to produce media; and communities that are under-represented within mainstream media. In addition the vast majority of those receiving direct program services are:
ages 6 through adulthood;
considered to be ethnic minorities in the state of Minnesota;
low-income or impoverished;
geographically isolated.
Evaluation should at all times consider, who is speaking about the In Progress experience; and the validity of fact and interpretation determined by external entities unfamiliar with the cultural protocols and values held by the communities that partner with In Progress. With this in mind, we expect our evaluation process to carry the following characteristics:
tells a story
supports what is intuitively known and demonstrated with quantitative data
uses qualitative data that is representative of the constituency
shows areas for improvement as it relates to meeting the organization’s purpose.
In Progress strives to collect useful data that is objective and quantifiable. Data should shed light on who benefits from association with In Progress, as well as specific trends in both audience and operations. Below are key areas in which In Progress conducts its evaluation. By clicking on the links below you will be able to see the specific tools we use to collect information.
Artist Assessments entered for every new person that utilizes In Progress resources. We collect here basic demographics about age, ethnicity, and income and place of residence.
Room Reservations - whenever someone requests to reserve In Progress monitored spaces, we collect and take note as to what, how and why the building is being used.
Equipment Loans - whenever someone requests to reserve In Progress equipment, we collect and take as to what, how and why the equipment is being used.
Activity Logs - program administrators provide basic data regarding activities taking place at In Progress both in person and virtually.
Appreciative Inquiry - This assessment strategy was introduced in 2013 . It allows those that have a meaningful connection to our work to respond and guide us with personal feedback. This process requires a greater commitment of time and thus is used strategically with our constituency.
Photo Journaling - is completed with every formal activity offered by In Progress. Activity leaders take a few photos of the activity taking place and posts to our Instagram, Facebook and Tumblr accounts.
Origin Stories - In Progress conducts periodic video interviews with staff, alumni artists and participants. This process requires a care to quality cinematography, editing and uploading. Each year, In Progress will conduct 2-3 video taped interviews. Overtime, these interviews are archived and as time permits uploaded to a digital archive where the work may be seen by the public. The greatest benefit of this form of documentation is the ability to define an individual’s growth and engagement with their artistic voice and the organization over a long period of time. The link above is still under construction, awaiting many historic uploads.
Product Assessment - Some of the greatest investment In Progress makes is in its assessment of the artwork produced through formally developed activities. By understanding the relationships between investment in activity and resulting artistic products, stories are told about the ongoing quality of arts learning, and the long term impact of developing arts communities. Additionally, portfolio assessment provides critical insight into the individual development of new artists and can often pinpoint areas for continued learning.
Digital Archives - In Progress deeply values the artwork created by the artists of In Progress. Some of our archives go back 30 years or more. Maintaining these archives are difficult and we often lose work but we continue to strive to make sure that the photographs, music and video works created by In Progress artists stay accessible over time.
Annual Reports - In Progress completes an IRS 990 form each year that documents the how funding and resources are used to accomplish the organization's mission. A public, more user friendly document is also developed each year for the public that sites the organizations accomplishments, key statistical information, and insights on programming.