Eemanna Rivers
poet / spoken word artist / digital musician / teaching artist
Eemanna is a Minneapolis , Minnesota based multi-media artist. She started recording music at 13 upon joining the Nexus Cohort at InProgress. She currently is works in both auditory art visual art as a ceramic artist and musician.
Eemanna is greatly inspired by artists from around the world. From Little Dragon to The Fugee’s she has a wide range of influences spanning genres and parts of the world. Eemanna creates to process the world and push limits of what is possible.
Eemanna currently works at InProgress as a teaching artist and artist coordinator.
sound recording techniques
pro tools software application
sound engineering and mixing
teaching artist
portfolio samples
I am a multimedia artist inspired by art from around the world. Music is my primary craft but I enjoy the creative process in several mediums. I create using media arts because I believe in the power of storytelling and the universality of the human experience. The power of a story is infinite and without these traditions, we lose identity.
Colors by Eemanna Rivers © 2017
Wicked by Eemanna Rivers © 2017
612 Brew Open Mic Performance © 2016
Missed Education by Eeemanna Rivers © 2015