equipment access

simple steps to getting approved to equipment loans


Check In With Your Mentor

Acquire preliminary approval from an In Progress mentor or supervisor to participate in this training process. Once you have received an email. approval from the Equipment Supervisor, Touchaingkong Yang, you may proceed to step 2.

Step 2

Video Tutorial - How to Place an Equipment Load Request

Review this video tutorial Requesting & Reserving Equipment in its entirely, stop where needed. Take notes, and review again as needed. You are responsible for knowing all of the information presented in this video. In order to receive approval to check out eq you must take the quiz at the link directly below.

produced by Touchaingkong Yang © 2021


Video Tutorial - Instructions for Picking Up & Returning Equipment

Review this video tutorial Picking Up & Returning Equipment in its entirely, stop where needed, take notes, and review again as needed. You are responsible for knowing all of the information presented in this video.

produced by Touchaingkong Yang © 2021

Step 4

Complete thE user AGREEMENT

Complete this form in its entirety. Once submitted you will receive a response from Touchaingkong Yang, In Progress’s Equipment Supervisor. All artists wanting access must be approved through this process. There are no exceptions. If you had been approved in the past, you must still go through this process, as we want all users to be clear and compliant regarding eq use.

Step 5

What We Do to Prepare Eq for Check-out

Please review the form links below so that you understand our staff process for assessing the care of our digital tools. In Progress is committed to maintaining this shared pool of resources, but it takes everyone’s effort. Please remember, this. Do not take access for granted. Instead value the privilege, and create work that you can share with us and others.

Note: Artists do not have to complete these forms. This is so that you may see how we document checkouts.

step 6

Create & Share

Use these tools to be creative - to produce and to share your stories. We ask that as you use these tools that you consider sharing the final creative product with us. We want to celebrate your work, share it widely and see what happens. Remember as well, that our tools are not intended for you to use for commercial production. Please let us know if you are needing to use eq for profit based work. We understand that there will be times when paid opportunities arise. Just let us know.

Remember - we value your voice.