event photography
discovering the art of event photography
Event Photography is a special weekend event dedicated to introducing the art of event photography with a specific lens on how to honor culture and family. The workshops includes presentation, instruction, hands on practice and critique. In Progress will provide documentation tools.
Lead Artist
Photographer Tomas Leal will lead this event with support from Studio 110 Program Coordinator Rena Bouchard. Leal has been working as an independent photographer for more than 20 years and owns his own business Leal Studios. He also spent a period of his life as a resident of Crookston.
Friday June 10th: 7-10PM - What is Event Photography - presentation, discussion and practice
Saturday June 11th: 11AM-1PM Event Photography In Practice - technical camera overview and preparation
Saturday June 11th: 1-3PM Red Carpet Event Documentation
Sunday June 12th 12-2pm Review ,Critique of Images and Present online.
10 participants of any age. Willingness to visit individually with project artists to develop creative ideas for photo and video pieces related to the topic.
Willingness and ability to attend all sessions.
Willingness to share with other participants.
If you would like to participate or have further questions please send us an email at: info@in-progress.org Or you can save your spot by completing the form linked to the button below: