strategic planning

a plan for sustainability of quality programming

Over the next two years, In Progress will put into action a strategic plan dedicated to serving the organization’s mission, while deepening the long-term stability of the organization as follows:

Deepen and refine the impact of organizational programming

  • Refine and implement the reflective, continuous improvement process.

  • Document our collective network of resources and ideas.

  • Articulate the guiding principles and best practices of the organization.

Grow the organization in a sustainable, intentional way

  • Build funder investment to support the next phase of organizational development.

  • Modify the organizational structure to accommodate infrastructure development and new programming.

  • Develop a plan for facilities and technology management.

  • Prepare the next generation of artists to lead the organization 

Educate others to the guiding principles and practices of the organization.

  • Provide quality professional mentorship and leadership training for artists invested in driving the future of the organizational model. 

  • Develop a work plan that incorporates new programmatic vision.