Dhoua Vue

Collector of stories

Dhoua Vue is twelve years old. She lives with her parents and siblings and goes to school every day. She likes to learn about water in all of its forms. - how it flows around us and through us. She looks forward to being a teacher one day and sharing with her students the many stories of water she is learning.

water comes, water goes

water comes and flows

water is inside and outsid

water is life. . .

water is me

My parents, my younger sister, some of my friends and family members have all given me strength in knowing who I am. They are my waterers and my protectors. I value the time they spend with me and the things they have taught me. Like the rain, not all of their teachings stick. But I like knowing that the knowledge they carry is all around in the other things they touch. I am collector of water.

waterer portraits

photographs by Sai Thao & TJ Lor

reflecting on water memories

shared by Auntie Kris

collected and imagined by Dhoua Vue